Market Review

Published April 2021


Reopening Reopening Reopening! The past few quarters, we have been positioning portfolios to participate in the reopening of the economy. We believed that banks, insurance companies, energy, industrials, hotels, airlines, and other stocks that were sensitive to the improvement in the overall economy would benefit. They have responded well. Many growth and technology stocks peaked last fall and have yet to get back to those highs. Small stocks, high dividend stocks, and “value” stocks have outperformed in a major way the past two quarters. Airlines are up 32.4% this year, oil and gas stocks are up 36.9%, and banks are up 26%. The reopening trade has done well and we believe it will continue for several more months.  We will remain invested there.

Interest rates:

Interest rates have begun to increase quickly. The 10-year treasury has gone from paying 0.50% near the bottom last year to now over 1.7%. With increasing rates, comes concern for long-dated bonds. We don’t own many of these, but if you own bonds in your 401k, we may need to chat about these. So far in 2021, the iShares 20+ year treasury ETF is down nearly 13%. If interest rates continue to go up, bonds will get hit even further.


With an uptick in interest rates, and continued government spending at record levels, the concern for future inflation should be real. During the summer and fall, we should begin to see how prices compare year over year to a more non-lockdown environment. We are concerned about future inflation and the effect on retirement spending of our clients. The best way to hold off inflation is to try to participate in stocks that go up during inflationary times. Those sectors are typically financials, materials, industrials, small cap value, and commodities.

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